Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Google reader, i love you...

If you use google and you like to read blogs, I highly suggest you use google reader.  
Check out the dropdowns at the top of your google page.  
You should find reader here:
Set it up.  I took it one step farther and added it to my igoogle.  Just search for google reader in "add stuff"!
Every time I open my homepage I have my blogs right there to read.  Yay!

Now, once you've got that all under your belt... check out CraftyPod's post on tricks for google reader!  This are great tips.  You'll always be virtually organized!!!



  1. I love reader too! And I love it's next button even better! No idea what I am talking about? Read this!

  2. I tried it out and I love it! In reader I can't see the blog layout and get that personal feel.

    Do you know if you can star or tag items that you've read from the next button?

  3. i like reader and all but i can't leave comments. any suggestions.

  4. Gina,
    I can tell you what works for me. At the top of the post in Google Reader there is the title of the post. Click that. It will open a new tab with the blog. Comment and viola! I know it's kinda the back door way, I would love to be able to comment right in reader. I checked in the google forums, but I'm not coming up with much. I'd also like to be able to see comments, but alas... maybe this is too much for reader to handle. If anyone has any other thoughts, I'm sure we'd love to hear them! :D

    Thanks for the question Gina!



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